High-Energy ShockWave Shocking The World!
True High-Energy ShockWave an amazing technology that works best when an issue has become chronic. It is hard to fathom that there is a...
High-Energy ShockWave
Having Serious PAIN from over use or injury in an area of your body makes life difficult. Getting back your Quality of Life seems...
Everything You Need to Know About Patellar Tendonitis
Did you know patellar tendonitis can trick you into considering your knee pain as the after-effects of physical activity and slowly...
Low Energy Vs. High Energy Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: Which One To Choose?
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy has emerged as a highly effective treatment approach for a wide range of conditions, including, but not...
What You Should Not Do In An Achilles Tendonitis Treatment?
Achilles tendinitis is a tough fibrous tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. With the incidence of Achilles tendonitis...
If You Notice These Signs, Then Chances Are You Have Plantar Fasciitis
Those who have felt a strong, unbearable pain under their foot know how difficult it gets to walk or even stand. Plantar fasciitis is a...
What hinders you from having Quality of Life?
It could be issues with your feet, knee, hip, sciatic, lower back, upper back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, thumb, finger, etc. It may be a...
ALL Patients ASK...
Over the past 15 years that I have been doing ShockWave ESWT I have most all patients ask why more people are not told about High Energy...
Tennis Elbow / Golfer's Elbow are Debilitating!
Epicondylitis is an extremely uncomfortable pain that is so sensitive even to the touch. High Energy ShockWave is a very effective...
High-Energy ShockWave ESWT Is it right for you?
There are so many different pain related issues that High-Energy ESWT can repair without invasive surgery, I have been it this business...